
Showing posts from June, 2017

Day 21 Real short post / May 30, 2017

Today I was very sick.  We went to radiation and got through it, very slowly.  Getting on and off the radiation table without using your stomach muscles was not fun.  This will get better though. I then went to get fluids through my IV to help flush out the chemo and give me some nutrients.  This really helps so I was happy to get it. After we got home the day was pretty much a blur.  I went from napping to feeling sick to back to napping.  Kim poured as much food into me as she could, but my acid reflux after chemo makes even eating hard. Tomorrow looks to be a better day.

Day 21 The Start Of Week 5 / May 29, 2017

Well, I spent the entire weekend both sick and in pain from my new feeding tube. My throat is more sore than I have ever experienced in my life.  It is from radiation and from being aggravated by the airway being put in and a camera being placed down my throat to install my feeding tube.  I am having trouble just swallowing my spit, much less pills or water.  It is chemo day today so I know the next two days will be as bad or worse. On the way to the hospital both Kim and Ryan suggested that I take a break on the chemo today and add it on the end of the treatment.  Kim wasn't sure I had the strength to face the sickness we all knew was coming.  I couldn't stand the thought of adding another week of treatment, and knew I just had to do this. The first stop was radiation.  I am not full of mucous in my throat and mouth from the radiation and I am having trouble swallowing.  I explained my situation to Gail and Michelle, the two radiation techs, and with their advice and knowi