Final Biopsy Results, It's Official I have Cancer! / April 26, 2017

It is the afternoon of Wednesday, April 26th.  I get yet another phone call from the UF Cancer Center.  When I answered it the voice on the other end says, “Hey Charlie, this is Dr. Manon”.  Dr. Manon is my radiation doctor.  He is not only very sharp and capable, but he has a sense of humor.  I ask him what is going on and he proceeds to tell me that it was driving him crazy waiting for my new biopsy results.  It seems that I was not the only one who was questioning the results of the other biopsies. He had checked on them several times throughout the day and they were finally put into the system.  He then asks, “Do you want to know what the results are? Is it okay if I tell you over the phone”?  I am curious on these results too. I tell him, “I already know I have cancer so you really aren’t dropping a big bomb here”.  He laughs and says, “Yes, you do have cancer the latest biopsy just confirmed it”!

It may seem weird, but at that point we were both really happy with these results and it made me comfortable with the decision I had made to move forward with the prescribed treatment.  He confirmed we were starting radiation on May 1st and made an appointment to see me right after I get radiated.

I am at the point now where I have nothing to do but wait for Monday and to start my treatment.  I am ready for this to start so that I can be done with it. 

I read Phillipians 4:6-7, 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  

It is funny how the verses I have read over and over now have true meaning. I do find peace in knowing that God is with me in this journey.


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