My First Biopsy / March 1, 2017
March 1st came and it was time to get my CT Scan.
There would be a neck biopsy of the suspicious lymph nodes IF anything unusual
showed up on the scan. Kim came with me
because she worries about everything and was convinced I had some disfiguring
disease. I kept trying to convince her
that I have an infection and she needed to relax.
I got called back to the CT Scan room and the tech gives me
my instructions. I then get an IV placed
in my arm so they can inject contrast in my veins. I lay perfectly still as the table I am lying
on moves in and out of the machine.
After the scan is completed, I put my shirt back on and go sit in a
little waiting room. This shouldn’t take
too long and then we can go get some lunch.
We are in Winter Park and I can hear Shake Shack calling my name. If you haven’t been there, treat yourself it
will be the one good thing that came out of reading this blog.
The tech comes into the little room and says she needs me to
go into the procedure room so the doctor can perform a biopsy on my lymph
node. I questioned why that would be
necessary and get the standard answer, “It is just to be safe”.
I call Kim over and tell her what is going on. She is now convinced my life is over, there
would be no other reason to do this biopsy.
The doctor then calls us back into a little closet disguised as a
procedure room. I lie down on the bed
and he starts looking all around my neck with an ultrasound machine. He tells Kim that I have a half inch mass
growing on my lymph node and he is going to do a Fine Needle Aspiration on the
lymph node and grab a few cells.
This is where being the patient is different than being the
caregiver. She asks if it could be
cancer, how fast is it growing, can it be treated? I look over at him and ask, “Is this going to
hurt”? Priorities!
After a little Novocain to numb the skin, I have a needle
jammed into my neck. The needle did not
hurt too badly. The cramp in my neck muscle on the other hand, that
sucked. After he took his sample he
politely said my ENT would be getting in touch with me in three to five days
with the results.
I love the is it going to hurt....priorities! so true!