The Calm Before The Storm / April 30, 2017

It is April 30th.  Tomorrow my treatment begins.  I will have radiation and chemotherapy tomorrow starting at 9:30 in the morning and finishing up around 6:30 PM.  This will be the first of 35 radiation treatments and 7 chemotherapy treatments.

I have been poked and prodded enough to last me for several years.  I have had teeth removed, ports put in and my torture mask fitted to my face.  I am at the point where we now have to attack this cancer and get it out of my body.  I needed to be in a good place mentally to face this challenge head on, and I needed Kim to be in an equally good place to handle the stress and worry that she will face as my caregiver.  The one place I can go to rejuvenate my mind and soul is the ocean.

When Kim and I were discussing going to the beach to watch the sunrise and pray for what we were about to face, her brother, Bobby, came forward and paid for a night at one of our favorite hotels on the beach.  This hotel, the Radisson, has a wrap around balcony with floor to ceiling windows and glass door that overlook the ocean.  I don't think he will ever understand how great that was for us, and how much that time away helped me prepare.

We spent time together as a couple and talked through all of our fears.  In the morning we both went down to the beach and spent nearly two hours praying, reading through our Bibles and reflecting.  In Luke 22 it talks about Jesus going to the Mount of Olives and praying over the anguish that is about to be given to him.  I am in no way comparing what I am going through with what Jesus went through, but it gave me an understanding like I have never had before.  It also gave me a sense of resolve and confidence that I will get through this and finish strong.

Kim and I are addicted to the television show, "Naked and Afraid".  It is about two people who are placed out in a harsh environment with no clothes or other protection.  They have to survive for 21 days on just their wits.  Starting tomorrow, Kim and I will be "Naked and Afraid" (O.K. I will not subject you to the naked part) in the harsh environment of cancer treatment.  I will be giving daily updates on this treatment, and when I am unable Kim will be posting.  These blogs are meant to keep our loved ones informed and to educate anyone who is interested in the process that awaits those diagnosed with head and neck cancer.

I welcome any comments, questions or tips.  I am going to be very honest in this blog.  If you want to know anything about this process feel free to be raw and honest in your questions.  We know we have cancer, we know we have a fighting chance but we also know there are no guarantees.  Our faith will guide us through this process no matter what. I welcome your prayers, and I appreciate all of the love that is being sent our way.  God bless!


  1. I have continued to pray for you and Kim over the last few weeks. I can truly say I understand. God has you in his hands and will carry you both through this tough time.

  2. Praying for you guys and your family! Charlie and Kim stay strong, you guys got this!! God is with you to hold your hand and guide you through your difficult journey.~ Kimmy


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