How did We Get Here / March 1, 2017

The first question I am usually asked when people find out I have cancer is, “How did you find out”? It is a valid question because most people worry about this disease and if they are going to get it or not.  I am one of them, Kim and I regularly say to each other, It’s not if you get cancer it is when!

Okay, back to me. I have had terrible polyps in all of my sinus cavities over the last decade.  I keep telling myself I am going to get them out so that I can breath one day.  Ryan inherited this trait from me (lucky guy) and has already had three sinus surgeries.  I liked his ENT doctor so much that I decided to go see him about my polyps and have them removed too.  On February 14th I went to his office he did the normal exam all of the doctors do. He looked up my nose, down my throat and all around my sinuses.  He then asked my about the small swollen lymph node on the right side of my neck just under my jaw line.  I told him it had been there about six months, but it didn’t bother me so no worry right?

That’s when it all started.  He gave me a look I will never forget.  He excused himself from the room and came back about five minutes later with his nurse.  Suddenly I was being asked all kind of questions about this harmless lymph node.  He looked in my mouth again, pushed and pulled on my neck and then handed me a script.  The script was for a CT Scan of my neck and an order for a biopsy of the lymph nodes.  He tried to assure me it was just a precaution, but by that point I knew he was more than just cautious, he was worried.

When I left his office, I was slightly concerned about this lymph node, but I was sure it was an infection or a reaction from my constant sinus problems.  I called to schedule my CT Scan, but more to eliminate any problems than to find them.  There was no sense overreacting to this whole thing.


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