Dat 10, The End Of Week Two / May 12, 2017

Wow, this has been a long week and it has been an emotional roller coaster.  I started the week off strong. Even though the chemo went better with the new meds, mentally it was a lot more taxing.  

Each day I am presented with new side effects such as sore throat, dry mouth, acid reflux and taste issues.  One issue by itself is not bad but as they compile they can start to be overwhelming.  The biggest issue right now is my fatigue and energy level.  I was told it would plummet, but I wasn't expecting it to drop so quickly.  

I talked with Kim and told her I am starting to feel a little defeated and part of that is from knowing the worse is yet to come. Kim pointed out that I spend most of my time either getting treatment, or resting from treatment and I am not keeping myself mentally active.  She suggested that I take up a small hobby such as building models or some other low impact activity that will not wear me out, but will keep my mind busy.  I think this is a great idea.

Kim has stepped away from work as of Monday, so I will have her here full time. This will help by giving me companionship during the day and a caregiver throughout the rest of the treatment.  I thought it would have been too early, but I was wrong.  The timing is perfect.

As for now, I am going to rest up over the weekend since I do not have treatment over the weekends and look for some small activities that I can use to fill my time. As I start week three on Monday I ask that you pray for both mental and physical strength for me.  

God Bless


  1. I pray every day for you!

  2. "A little defeated", don't sugar coat it. He is getting depressed! We are going to look into him talking to a counselor and/or get on some meds. This is suppose to be normal too. But we can't have him throw in the towel mentally so early! He is just approaching the enemy line! And he needs to be physically and mentally ready! Things are going to get ugly, yes. But he can get through this if he is mentally is ready. So our job is going to rally around him and find ways to renew him mentally! He use to love building model cars and planes so I'm hoping that he'll still love that and help keep his mind off of "cancer". Charlie is one of the strongest guys mentally I know! He ALWAYS sees the brighter side of everything. This is new territory for him! Please pray for strength and courage for him as well as ways to "occupy his mind". Thanks!


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