Second Day Of Treatment / May 2, 2017

Last night started out well.  I took a compazine pill for nausea around 9:30.  This is designed to help me sleep through the night and settle my stomach before the nausea kicks in from the chemotherapy treatment.  I thought it was a little overkill since I felt fine. Oh boy, am I glad I listened.

I went to bed around 11:00 and tried to get some sleep and let the medicine get out of my system.  I tossed and turned and tossed some more.  Finally around 2:30 I had to get up and take some medicine for my acid reflux.  If was acting up worse than normal and laying in bed awake for hours was not helping.  I finally got to sleep around 4:00.

I know Kim was excited, because when I am awake so is she, I felt really bad for her.  A couple of times she would try to talk to me during the night but I didn't want to start a conversation in case I got a second wind, who was I kidding.

Kim finally wakes me up at 7:00 to get me in the shower.  We have to leave at 8:30 to make my 9:20 radiation treatment.  It was then that it hit me, a wave of nausea that I did not expect.  Kim got me some medicine and after I took it, I laid still in bed for about 20 minutes.  That seemed to help. I got to wear my "Fight Shirt" today. Kim had bought it for me to wear during treatment.  I have to wear a button down shirt on Mondays, but the rest of the week I can wear a t-shirt.

Jessie was my ride today.  At 8:30 I grabbed my second marble out of my jar and headed up I-4 to treatment.  When we got there I let jessie take it all in. She was impressed that even though the furniture looked 30 years old, there were built in USB charging stations for phones and tablets.  She says they went retro, I say they went ugly.

                           Outside the Bunker wearing my Fight Shirt. This place really is old.

You can be the judge, Retro or Ugly?

The radiation itself went really well.  I got called back to the treatment room and as I was getting ready to put my mouth guards in the tech asked my what music I want.  I laughed and told her she wouldn't have mine,  She pulled up the computer, opened Spotify while saying, "Bet me".  I put in my request for Bob Dylan and there it was.

When I got off the table, I pulled my marble out of my pocket and threw it away.  The second tech asked what I had thrown away, probably because it made a very loud clang in the metal garbage can. I explained to her that Kim had made the marble jar for me and every day I complete a treatment I throw a marble away.  She was so impressed that she is going to suggest it to all of her patients as a motivational aid.  Now I'm thinking we should have patented the idea.

After I got home from radiation the nausea started coming in more and more waves.  I am having to take the anti nausea medicine at the four hour mark to try and keep it under control.   I will spare you the gruesome details, but in the future I will not be eating red jello the day after my chemo treatment.

I just have to keep my stomach under control for the next day or so, and then this week will be manageable.


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