Third Day And It Was Really Rough / May 3, 2017

Where to begin?  I woke up this morning feeling nauseous.  Kim got me some saltine crackers and water to snack on before getting out of bed.  This normally helps settle the stomach before you actually get up and going.  She then gave me one of my anti-nausea pills to start working before the car ride.

After she left for work, I started getting ready.  I showered, shaved, brushed my teeth and then vomited uncontrollably.  This was not how I wanted to start my day since I still have an hour drive to Orlando for my radiation treatment.

The drive to Orlando was rough. Jessica was my chauffeur again today, and even though traffic was crazy, she did a great job driving nice and smooth.  Once we arrived I checked in and the tech team came out and brought me back.  They took one look at me and asked it I was up to the radiation.  I told them I had no choice, but they need to be close by.  If I vomit with that mask on, there is no where for it to go and I will aspirate on it.  I was assured they would be close by.

The radiation was very trying today.  My face and jaw were sore, presumably from the nausea and vomiting.  This caused the mask to be more uncomfortable.  I also had to put in my was teeth covers, and that was difficult with the nausea.  I finally got through it on the first attempt.  Once I got off the table, it all caught up with me.  I ran outside and emptied what was left in my stomach on the grass.  I then threw up two more times on the drive home, poor Jessie couldn't do anything but drive.

Once I got home, we called the doctor.  She wanted me brought in for fluids and more anti-nausea medicine.  Kim came home from work and brought me up there at noon.  This was worse than any case of food poisoning I had ever had. The car ride back up there was pure hell.  When I got in, I was brought back to the port access room and immediately given fluids.  They also pumped me with steroids and Phenergan.  The Phenergan did not sit well with my system, so I had to get pepcid to counter that.

Once they were don filling me with fluids and medicine, I was able to go home.  I actually ate a small bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy from KFC.  It is a small meal but a big accomplishment.

Hopefully tonight goes well, and I can suffer through the radiation tomorrow.


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