Day After Chemo / May 9, 2017

Well, I went to bed with a lot of stomach acid churning last night.  I got woken up a little after midnight when I regurgitated a bit of it.  I ended up sleeping in the recliner because lying down was just making the stomach acid worse.

I woke up this morning and was a little sick.  It was tolerable, and definitely better than the day after chemo last week when I was throwing up. It looks like the new meds are starting to work.

My first appointment today was with my dentist.  I had fluoride trays made for my teeth two weeks ago.  I picked them up along with some fluoride gel.  Now I have yet another routine to do with my teeth.  Taking care of my teeth is turning into a full time job.

Kim and I went to radiation and I was able to tolerate the mask today with no problems. I threw away another marble, Yay.

After radiation I went to the hydration lab.  This was so that I could get fluids and Pepcid and help flush the chemo drug out of my system.  This is to help aid me tolerate the chemo and not get as sick.
By the time I got to the hydration lab the drugs were taking a toll.  I was not as sick as last week but I was so fatigued I could barely keep my eyes open.

After the Hydration lab we ended back at the oncology doctor to fight with our insurance.  It seems that the hearing test I was scheduled for at 2:00 was not going to be covered by the insurance.  After several phone calls, e-mails and arguing it looks like it was taken care of.

By the time we were done with this, we only had a few minutes for lunch.  Kim grabbed a quick sandwich in the cafeteria and I grabbed a cup of chicken soup.  I have to say, the soup was really good.

We then went to our hearing test.  The reason for this test was to get a baseline on my hearing.  The chemotherapy drug I am taking, Cisplatin, is know to cause significant hearing loss.  If my hearing starts to get affected I may have to stop or change the treatment, and sometimes the damage is irreversible.  It is going to be important to keep checking my hearing.

During the hearing test I felt really good.  During the drive home I started getting really tired again and the nausea started back up just a little.  With God's grace the nausea medicines will hold and the medicine for my acid reflux will do it's job.


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