Day 18 Time For Some Changes / May 24, 2017

I went to my oncologist today before my radiation treatment.  We discussed my medications, made a few small changes and talked.  During the course of the conversation we decided it was time to schedule my getting a feeding tube.

I am trying to cram in the calories, but still can't get enough in to maintain my weight, much less add to it.  Her concern is that if I wait another week and then decide to get the tube, I will already be so weak that the procedure will take a toll on me as well as the treatment. If I get the tube while I am still fairly strong, I will heal quicker and will benefit faster from it.  I have to say her logic makes sense.

When we left her office we went over to radiation to get cooked.  While I was there I asked it the feeding tube will interfere with my radiation treatments. I don't want a lapse in treatment since this is what is primarily what is saving my life.  I was assured it would not. They wheel you from your hospital bed to radiation and then back up.  Thinking about this makes me wonder if a lapse would be better, Lol.

The surgeon's scheduler called and set up the surgery date and time for us.  Originally we were going in this Friday to get the feeding tube in as an "out-patient" procedure.  Once it is in, we would be sent home and a home health care nurse would come and show us how to use it, clean it, and make sure it was working properly.

The other surgeon who we know does these feeding tubes admits their patients for a 48 hour stay.  He provides all of the training on using the feeding tube in the hospital and ensures it is working properly before he sends you home.

I was not comfortable doing this out patient, especially with my history of anesthesia and recovery from surgeries. Kim called our surgeon and expressed out concerns.  He was understanding and agreed to admitting us for the 48 hours if that would make us more comfortable.

So, as it stands I will be having my surgery Friday afternoon to get my feeding tube in, and should be getting discharged on Sunday with a brand new way of getting my nutrition and building up my strength.  Everyone I have talked to about this feeding tube has been very positive and agrees it will make my recovery quicker.  I will still be on a liquid diet the rest of my treatment and have to drink regularly to keep my throat and swallow in good order, I will now just be supplementing this task through the tube.

Pray the surgery goes well and I come out of the anesthesia with no problems.  I also ask for prayers that the tube goes in without any complications and works like a charm.


  1. My prayers are with you and Kim. You are blessed to have such a diligent care giver.

  2. Aaawwww.... Thanks Jimmy! I love him so much how could I not!! My heart breaks for him at times. I know I couldn't do what he is doing! He is a very strong person! He just needs a little help to get through the last leg! Please continue to pray!


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